Welcome everybody to the Year 1 section of the website.
KS1 Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs Spoor
Class Teachers:
1S Ms Singleton
1K Miss Khanum
1M Miss Mahmood (Miss Marron currently on maternity leave)
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Osanloo, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Walkden, Mrs Taylor.
If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to ask one of the Year 1 team.
Reading at home
Please ensure that reading books are handled with care and brought back into school everyday. During the week, adults in school will continue to listen and assess their reading and they will be given a new book to take home. Children need to read their reading books at home every night for approximately 10-15 minutes. Please can adults sign their record book each time their child reads, so that we know how much they have practised. Children also have a set of key words to practise reading at home each night. These words should be read by sight, without sounding out. Books will be changed once a week and new key words will be given out when the child is confident with their current set.
Reading at home with your child is so important. It builds listening skills, creates bond time with family members, expands vocabulary, increases attention span and develops children socially and emotionally. Please read 5 times a week and record this in their reading diary. Reading books will be changed once children have read their book three times.
Throughout Year One, children are expected to read their books and practise their key words every night for home work. We will also set homework tasks onto Seesaw each week. Please keep checking your child's Seesaw account to ensure that homework is accessed and completed.
1S: Monday and Wednesday
1K: Monday and Wednesday
1M: Monday and Thursday
A gentle reminder that our school P.E. kit is a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings and black pumps or trainers for outdoor sports, without visible branding.
Please ensure children bring their P.E. kit in their bag to get changed into in school.
Water bottles and snacks
Don't forget to bring a water bottle to school each day - it is important for children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please label bottles and refill them each day.
Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack such as fruit and vegetables to school each day for snack time, but are also offered a piece of fruit from each day. Breadsticks and milk can be purchased at the start of each half-term. Please contact the school office for further information
We are continuing to develop our phonic knowledge, becoming confident with our Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. We will be developing our writing skills by consistently using capital letters and full stops, applying our phonic knowledge for spellings, using conjunctions (because, so, and, if, but), using new punctuation and adjectives. We will become more independent with by checking our own work.
Phonics will be going ahead 4 times a week; all children have been placed into their phonics groups and will be using the Read, Write Inc. (RWI) format during these sessions.
In Guided Reading, we will continue to read a range of stories. We will develop our reading comprehension skills of being able to read the text, process it and understand its meaning.
Children will have a spelling test each week. Please ensure your child can read and spell these words. These will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Place Value within 10, addition and subtraction within 10 and shapes.
This term we will explore place value within 10, addition and subtraction within 10 and shapes developing our numerical skills. Please use Numbots, as this is an excellent maths app designed to make learning maths fun. You will find your child’s username and password in their reading record.
Plants, animals and light.
In our science lessons we cover the three subjects of chemistry, biology and physics. This term we will be looking at the structure of trees, discovering why plants needs water, light and a suitable temperature to grow. We will also describe and compare the structure of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates as well as looking at which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We will also be looking at light, sound, forces, everyday materials and earth and space.
How do children’s lives in the past compare to today?
We will explore the fascinating differences between childhood in the past and today. We’ll delve into the evolution of toys, the rich history of Blackpool, and how schools and homes have changed over the years. Finally, we’ll take a nostalgic look at the magic of a Victorian Christmas and how it shaped the holiday traditions we know and love today.
What’s it like here?
We will be looking at our local area and its features. We will explore the city of Manchester and discover the landmarks. Our learning will take place through maps, books and observations.