Being a school governor is a very rewarding job. It gives you the opportunity to have a say in the development of the school. As a governor you will also be involved and aware of the latest developments in the way that children are being educated.
There was an IEB in post from October 2019 - February 2021 when in February 2021, the new Governing Body was appointed.
There is a team of Governors at Lark Hill, including representation from teacher governors, parent governors and local education authority (LA) governors. The term of office is 4 years, and an apply-election process is adopted to ensure all candidates are given a fair chance.
Governors are an important part of school life and make an important contribution in supporting education in our school. Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability to our school. They work with the Head Teacher to make decisions about finance, staffing and resourcing as well as supporting and challenging the Executive Head Teacher and other school leaders and staff to make sure we provide the best possible education for all our children.
What do Governors do?
How does a Governing Body work?
Term of Office: From 11.02.21 to 10.02.25
Governor Type: Co-Opted
Specific Roles: Chair of Lark Hill Governing Body; Chair of the school effectiveness and resources committees, Pupil Premium Governor
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Governor at St Ambrose Barlow and The Lowry High School; Chair of Fiddlers Lane Primary School; Member of Bishop Fraser MAT and Rowan Multi Academy Trust; Member of the IEB at Cadishead Primary school and Chair of LAB at St Augustine's CE Primary School.
Term of Office: From 19.01.21 to 18.01.25
Governor Type: Executive Headteacher
Specific Roles: Member of the Resources and School Effectiveness committees
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Executive Head Teacher of Christ Church CE; Lark Hill and Lewis Street Primary Schools
Term of Office: From 11.02.21 to 10.02.25
Governor Type: Co-Opted
Specific Roles: SEND Governor; Chair of the Resources committee.
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Governor at Westwood Park Primary School and St Marks RC Primary School.
Term of Office: From 11.02.21 to 10.02.25
Governor Type: Co-Opted
Specific Roles: Member of the Resources and School Effectiveness committees
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Head of School at Lark Hill Primary School
Term of Office: From 01.09.21 to 21.08.25
Governor Type: Staff
Specific Roles: Member of the School Effectiveness committee
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Year 4 teacher and AHT at Lark Hill Primary
Stepped down October 2023
Term of Office: From 11.02.21 to 10.02.25
Governor Type: Co-Opted
Specific Roles: Member of the Resources committee
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Employee of Salford City Council Finance team
Term of Office: From 11.02.21 to 10.02.25
Governor Type: LA Governor
Specific Roles: Member of the School Effectiveness committee
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: None
Term of Office: From 11.02.21 to 10.02.25
Governor Type: Associate Member
Specific Roles: Safeguarding Governor; member of the School Effectiveness committee
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Employee of Salford City Council HR team
Stepped down on 16th September 2022
Term of Office: From 27.05.21 to 26.05.25
Governor Type: Parent Governor
Specific Roles: Member of resources
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Has a child attending Lark Hill Primary School
Stepped down December 2023
Term of Office: From 27.05.21 to 26.05.25
Governor Type: Parent Governor
Specific Roles: School Effectiveness Committee
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Has a child attending Lark Hill Primary School
Term of Office: From 02.12.21 to 01.12.25
Governor Type: Co-Opted
Specific Roles: TBC
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: Head Teacher of Buile Hill High School
Stepped down on the 15th February 2023
Term of Office: 01.12.2022 to 30.11.26.
Governor Type: Co-Opted
Specific Roles: Health and Safety; Resources Committee
Signed The Register: Yes
Details of any Conflicting Interests: None