CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
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Year 4

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome to Year 4!

Class Teachers:

4D: Mrs Davenport 
4COR: Mrs Cordt 
4C: Miss Coxon

LSAs: Mrs Garner, Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Bailey

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of the Year 4 team.

Reading at Home

In Lower Key Stage Two, we expect children to read 5 times a week for at least 15 minutes and bring their reading book into school every day. Please make sure a family member at home has signed their child's reading record.

Reading at home doesn't always mean their school reading books, it could be anything from a newspaper, magazine, kindle books to instructions of a board game.

You can access free online books at the following links:

- Oxford Owl

- Our Lark Hill virtual library



Weekly spellings and times tables will be given out on a Friday to be assessed on the following Thursday

Your class teacher will also provide a variety of weekly Seesaw tasks relating to any area of the curriculum. This will include Maths, English and Grammar, as well as the wider curriculum. Please check your child's Seesaw page regularly for more details. You can log into Seesaw here. Your child's login details are in their Reading Records. 

At the end of Year 4, all children are assessed on their times table facts. You can find more information here. We expect children to be practising their times table on TTRockstars at least twice a week. Their log in details should be glued in their Reading Record.

P.E and Swimming

Swimming for year 4 will change between classes on a termly basis. 

4B have PE on a Monday and Wednesday afternoons. 
Children in 4C have their swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. 
Children in 4D have their swimming lessons on a Thursday morning. 

A gentle reminder that our school P.E. kit is a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and plain black pumps or trainers for outdoor sports, without visible branding. PE kit should be brought in a separate bag for children to change into before their PE lesson. 

For swimming, please make sure your child has swimming trunks/ swimming costume, towel and a swimming hat with them.

Water Bottles and snacks

Don't forget to bring a water bottle and healthy snacks to school each day - it is important for children to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plain water. Please label bottles and refill them each day.

Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack such as fruit and vegetables to school each day for snack time. Bread sticks and milk can be purchased at the start of each half-term (please speak to the school office about this).



Our focus this term will be Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions and Decimals.  We will continue to focus on the four number operations in our weekly fluency lessons and continue preparing for the multiplication check test which will be administered in the Summer Term. 


In the Spring term, we will be reading 'The Roman Centurion's Song' by Rudyard Kipling. We will also be producing a journal entry from the perspectives of one of the characters from 'Our Tower' by Joseph Coelho, a beautiful picture book about a modern-day fable that shows the children of a tower block travelling to a strange, magical world inside a tree and meeting an old man with supernatural powers, only to realise that the magic they'd been looking for had been in their tower all along.

Our Reading text for this term is 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Rauf. It is a story about how one ordinary nine-year-old child and three classmates are full of empathy for Ahmet, a boy that comes to their school as a refugee from Syria (he is the boy at the back of the class).  We will be reading this text regularly and completing tasks on it to improve our reading skills, as well as reading for pleasure. 

We will continue to develop our handwriting styles as well as learning key grammar skills and apply them to our range of writing. 


Following our spiral curriculum we are exploring and building upon our studies of Biology, Chemistry and Physics throughout the Spring term. We will be investigating the process of transpiration in plants, the digestive system, animals and their habitats, fossils and the changing states of materials.


In History, we are looking closely at our local area and will be investigating how Salford and the use of the Bridgewater Canal has changed over the last 350 years. We will also learn about the Industrial Revolution and the part that it played int he shaping of Salford as it is today. 

Geography – Where does our food come from?

In Spring term, we will learn all about where our food is sourced from, about the importance of fair trade and trading responsibly and the impact that this can have on our environment and the world around us. We will touch on how different parts of the world are better suited to the growing or production of certain foods, how they are traded and the advantages and disadvantages of importing and exporting food. 



This term, we will be learning about Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me. In Spring 1,our pupils will be given the opportunity to think about what they aspire to do when they grow up, set themselves goals and formulate steps to help them to reach them. We will also reflect upon the emotions that come with this and how to manage and use them in a successful way. In Spring 2, the children will build upon last year's learning about how to be fit and healthy physically and mentally, and how to keep themselves safe in their friendships and online.